The quality and reliability of transport services is recognized by many renowned multinational companies in Europe, as well as many local companies in the field of industry, trading and construction.
Our clients include international industrial and commercial enterprises, as well as large international logistics companies. We support international corporations, as well as SMBs on their path to success.
Our clients include international industrial and commercial enterprises, as well as large international logistics companies. We support international corporations, as well as SMBs on their path to success.
Our most important clients are companies from EU member states (Poland, Austria, Germany, Hungary, Romania, Slovenia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Italy, Lithuania, Latvia and the Czech Republic). We are also providing transport services to CEFTA countries (Montenegro, Macedonia, Serbia).
For all transports, to any of the above countries in Europe, we have the required number of international CEMT or bilateral (one-time) licenses.

Our vehicle fleet

Tuzlatransport d.o.o. has its own vehicle fleet, trucks with an average of up to five years and semi-trailers with an average of up to three years. Our current vehicle fleet consists of 114 vehicles (Trucks and semi-trailers). The brand of our vehicles is „Mercedes-Benz“. Semi-trailers are with a tarpaulin cover and cargo space dimensions of 13.6m L x 2.48m W x 3.0m H. Aware of the importance of environmmental responsibility, we have equipped most of our vehicles with the highest EURO standards, in accordance with European emission standards.
All vehicles are EURO 5 and EURO 6 emission standard. We pride ourselves for having an above-average and very up-to-date vehicle fleet and modern equipment, even compared to companies in the EU.
The company is aiming to use more ecologically advanced EURO-6 emission vehicles, which, in addition to slightly lower fuel consumption, also raises ecological business so company continuously renews its vehicle fleet and follows major EU regulations and directives that require constant reductions in air pollution emissions.
The company is aiming to use more ecologically advanced EURO-6 emission vehicles, which, in addition to slightly lower fuel consumption, also raises ecological business so company continuously renews its vehicle fleet and follows major EU regulations and directives that require constant reductions in air pollution emissions.
Contact us
Tuzlatransport d.o.o
Gine Herman, preko puta broja 55
75000 Tuzla, Bosna i Hercegovina
+387 35 396-791
+387 35 396-456
Commercial and Transport / Traffic:
+387 35 396 789
+387 35 396 790
Opening hours:
Management: 07:30–16:00
Commercial: 07:00–17:00